Rejected knowledge

“Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation”

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;
because you have rejected knowledge,
I reject you from being a priest to me.
And since you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children.
The more they increased,
the more they sinned against me;
I will change their glory into shame.
They feed on the sin of my people;
they are greedy for their iniquity.
And it shall be like people, like priest;
I will punish them for their ways
and repay them for their deeds.

Exodus 19:5
and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

Proverbs 1:28
Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer;
they will seek me diligently but will not find me.
Because they hated knowledge
and did not choose the fear of the Lord,
would have none of my counsel
and despised all my reproof,
therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way,
and have their fill of their own devices.

They hated knowledge.  They rejected knowledge. They lacked knowledge. They did not choose the fear of the Lord.  And because of this God said: “I will reject you.”  “I will punish you.”  “I will not answer them.”  “I will forget your children.”  “I will not allow them to find me.”  “I will let them eat the fruit of their ways.”  “I will change the glory to shame.”  These are all recorded and given to us for the purpose of knowledge, understanding, insight, and warning.  Why is it that we listen to God’s saving grace and mercy but live  not serving, not fearing, not listening, not desiring, not seeking, not obeying…….?  Your life will not have any true peace, rest, purpose without total surrender to Him.  Choose to desire Him.  Choose to seek Him.  Choose to honor and glorify Him.  Choose knowledge of Him.  Choose Him above all this world has to offer.  Keep track today and see where your thoughts are and what your actions are.  Are they in line with Gods word?  Are they what would honor and glorify God?  Are they out of a desire to humbly serve and honor and glorify God?


Author: Daryl Pint

Saved by Grace, living by faith

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