Surpasses all understanding

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Yesterday I was at the funeral of the wife of the couple who invited us to church the night we were saved, 22 March 1979.  This couple was instrumental in discipling and setting our roots deep in Jesus Christ.  Their family has been and remains grounded in Christ and humbly serve others above self.  It was evident from the people who spoke at the funeral, this was a way of life for her, and as well for the family and grandchildren.  Her legacy passed on, in and through Jesus Christ is nothing the world can give nor can it take it away. While out with the husband to talk and get a bite to eat it was evident to my wife and I how much the loss of a God centered wife can punch a whole in the heart.  It was hard for him to explain the hurt but what made me think about the humble service in this family was when he called our waitress over to our table and he took her hand and asked how he might pray for her.  Here is a man who lost the love of his life and he saw a soul needing prayer.  What a blessing to be with him.  His hurt was evident but his humbleness to serve others in Christ’s love stayed on top.  The light of Christ did not dim even when his heart was in despair.  Their son and daughter also were seeking to comfort others who were dealing with this loss.  Their hugs and words of encouragement were like they were directly from their mom’s heart.  I am still sad for their loss but am happy for knowing she is in the presence of Jesus Christ forever.  What a blessing to be able to witness and experience the love of God through this family.

Author: Daryl Pint

Saved by Grace, living by faith

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