10. They turned back and were more corrupt than their fathers

Exodus 32:7 And the Lord said to Moses, “Go down, for your people, whom you brought up out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves. They have turned aside quickly out of the way that I commanded them. And the Lord said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiff-necked people.

Genesis 6:11-12  Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence.  And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.

Judges 2:19  But whenever the judge died, they turned back and were more corrupt than their fathers, going after other gods, serving them and bowing down to them. They did not drop any of their practices or their stubborn ways.

Hosea 9:9  They have deeply corrupted themselves as in the days of Gibeah: he will remember their iniquity; he will punish their sins.

Isaiah 24:5  The earth lies defiled under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant.

Isaiah 31:6  Turn to him from whom people have deeply revolted

Psalms 78:8  and that they should not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to God.

The natural intent of our heart is rebellion, stubborn, unfaithful, corrupt, easily turned aside, stiff-necked, and not steadfast in serving God.  How are we to recognize the intent of the heart when the society/culture has put its stamp of approval on the very things that oppose God?  This makes it very hard to see it for what it is when there is nothing to counter their truth.

Think about it. Mainstream media is calling bi-sexual, homosexual, transgender lifestyles as being “Progressive”.  They call pornography “Adult Entertainment”.  They call abortion “Choice”.  They call God-fearing people as “Weak and Uninformed”.  They call creation “The Big Bang”.  They call faith “Wishing Upon A Star”.  They call God a “Myth”.  They call Jesus Christ a “Good Man”.  They call God, if He exists, “Unloving”.  They call hell a “Stick to get followers”.  They deny a “Final Judgement”.  They say the Bible is  “Man Made Stories”.  They say, because God does not exist, “Sin is not real”.  They say, if a god exists,  “All Religions Point to Him”.

It is very hard to recognize our sinful behavior if we do not believe, desire, seek, serve, follow, and obey God.  It is hard to obey God when there is no input of His word into our lives.  It is hard to confess sin when neglect and complacency replace daily time in His word.

Do you want to please God?  Commit to humbly serving Him.  Be intentional in daily time in His word.  Seek thoughts, words, and actions that which honors and glorifies Him.

Author: Daryl Pint

Saved by Grace, living by faith

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