Good Morning.
I decided this year to make the effort to read the Bible from cover to cover. It’s pretty difficult at times when it comes to the old testament. Some of the books are about the genealogy of man and others about all the kings that God blessed into kinghood. So I realize these books need to read to understand the history of the relationship between God and man. Well, my summary of my read so far is that man has always been frustrating to God. God could give a man everything his heart desires and man will still fall away from Gods law and be destined to suffer at Gods hand. Punished by all his children dying from disease and all his wives killed and left in the street to be eaten by dogs. Damn !!! Well, so the next man Chosen by God who just watched the last man suffer punishment from God, for not obeying. Gets in power and turns and does the same darn thing. We are not the brightest bulbs.
You know today we have all this crazy stuff going on with the removal of God from our daily lives.
It becomes ok to not confess our Christianity. It becomes the norm and wrong to not confess your love of Jesus and your belief in him. Just because we can’t insult those that don’t believe. Now is the time to shout it from the rooftops.
We are like a herd of cattle. Some lines of cattle are notorious for going through fences. Some are not. But if you take few fence jumping cows and put them in with non-fence jumpers. They will in time follow the bad cows out of the fence. I had a bull one time that I couldn’t keep in. Then the others were beginning to follow the bad bull. I had to stop him I was just about to shot him when I caught him. I slaughtered and ate that bull. I cherished every bite !!
I can only imagine what God feels when seeing us in a country who was founded in the belief of the rights given by God. To be turning away or jumping the fence away from him.
So of all times don’t be tempted to jump that fence Stay in that pasture God wants us in and don’t be tempted to follow those rules set by those who have fallen from God. That grass only looks greener across that fence. Nothing good will come across that fence.
Have a Great day and Pray that God helps us take our country back to him.
“You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth? It certainly isn’t God, for he is the one who called you to freedom. This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough! I am trusting the Lord to keep you from believing false teachings. God will judge that person, whoever he is, who has been confusing you.”
Galatians 5:7-10 NLT