2.j. Broken beyond healing

A post from Glory Bound Ministries;

Proverbs 29:1 reads, “He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck, will suddenly be broken beyond healing.” Throughout the Bible we find the term “stiff-necked” to describe the person who knows the desires/commands of God yet chooses not to submit to them, but instead live a life of disobedience. He/she may be excoriated but will refuse to heed to wise counsel. As explained by Enduring Word Bible App,  “This stubborn, rebellious man continues in his disobedience for a long time, until he is suddenly… destroyed – and there will be no hope for him (that without remedy). This describes the kind of person who thinks little of God’s merciful patience and assumes judgment will never come for his continual rejection of wisdom and stubborn heart against God.” Theologian Bruce Waltke tells it like this, “When the door of opportunity to repent finally shuts, probably at death, the incorrigible fool is beyond all hope of a cure.” With this truth embedded into our hearts and minds let’s remember the importance of sharing it with those we know need repentance in their lives. Eternities are at stake.

Author: Daryl Pint

Saved by Grace, living by faith

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