18.x. “I have given them your word”

John 17:14  I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth. “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word,

“See how the Lord Jesus himself takes all his teaching from the Father. You never hear from him any boast about being the originator of profound thoughts. No, he just repeated to his disciples the words he had received from the Father: ‘I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me.’ If Jesus acted thus, how much more must the messengers of God receive the word from the Lord’s mouth, and speak it as they receive it!” (Spurgeon)

The whole revelation of God was and is manifested in the words, works, and actions of Jesus Christ.  We would be in spiritual darkness without the revealed Word in Jesus Christ and the written Word of God.  We are called to bring and reflect the Light of Jesus Christ into the darkness of this world.  We do this for His honor and glory.  Our goal is to be in the world but not of it or of the evil one.  We are not to be fearful of this darkness.  We are not to be surprised by the evil one directing the dark and evil deeds of those who are his captive.  We are to live with a desire to continue to grow in our understanding and knowledge of Jesus Christ.  We are to live with a  continued desire for His Word.  We are to live with a desire to be obedient, faithful, and reliant on Him.  How can this be if we choose to become complacent and neglectful of the very Word that will continue to grow us in this understanding?  Christianity is not a course we take for a semester and think we have acquired knowledge for a lifetime.  A believer is forever in study, forever gaining knowledge, and forever becoming so that no matter how dark the darkness is, people will see the light of the Gospel and give glory and honor to Jesus Christ.

Author: Daryl Pint

Saved by Grace, living by faith