26.k. “I have chosen the way of truth”

Paslms 119:25  My life is down in the dust; give me life through your word. I told you about my life, and you answered me; teach me your statutes. Help me understand the meaning of your precepts so that I can meditate on your wonders. I am weary from grief; strengthen me through your word. Keep me from the way of deceit and graciously give me your instruction. I have chosen the way of truth; I have set your ordinances before me. I cling to your decrees; Lord, do not put me to shame. I pursue the way of your commands, for you broaden my understanding.

Revival comes from a sense of spiritual need and lowliness. In the Biblical and historical sense, true revival is marked by a shamed awareness of sin and an urgency to confess and make things right. God uses His word in bringing revival. “Can each one of us now say, in this sense, ‘I have declared my ways’ to the Lord? For this should be done, not only at our first coming to him but continually throughout the whole of our life. We should look over each day, and sum up the errors of the day, and say, ‘I have declared my ways,’ – my naughty ways, my wicked ways, my wandering ways, my backsliding ways, my cold, in different ways, my proud ways.’” (Spurgeon)  The psalmist understood that he needed more than knowledge; he also needed understanding. With both, he would meditate on God’s wonderful works. With a deep understanding, we will go beyond a mere understanding of the words to a Spirit-led understanding of what they reveal about the nature of God, the gospel, and God’s ways.” (Boice) If we are to be kept from sin, it must be by the grace of God exercised through the teaching of his Word.” “Men do not drop into the right way by chance; they must choose it, and continue to choose it, or they will soon wander from it.” (Spurgeon) The psalmist understood that if he were to give himself entirely to God – to cling to His word as a shipwrecked man clings to a floating plank in the sea – then he could trust that God would not allow him to be put…to shame. This was well-placed confidence. “Having once chosen our road, it remains that we persevere in it; since better had it been for us never to have known the way of truth than to forsake it when known.” (Horne)

Author: Daryl Pint

Saved by Grace, living by faith