30.j. Earthly choice, Eternal consequence.


 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.

Deuteronomy 30:19 

Every parent has been through the “It’s your choice” exercise with their children. They set out two alternatives, two possibilities, two choices—as well as the ramifications of each choice—and then let the child choose and live with the following consequences. Sometimes life gives us choices, the consequences of which are unknown. So we have to make our best decision and move forward. But in the spiritual and moral realms, choices are much clearer. When Moses was preparing the Israelites to inhabit the Promised Land of Canaan, he set before them two ways of life: “life and good” or “death and evil” (Deuteronomy 30:15). He had previously spelled out for them the consequences of each way of life. Walking in covenant with God would bring life and blessing, but rejecting God’s ways would bring death and destruction. Joshua reiterated these choices to them again years later: “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15).

The problem today is that 1. People don’t even care or give thought to God and things of God. 2. People don’t care or give any thought to eternal heaven or hell.  3. People neglect the Word of God.  4. Their commitment is to doing enough right that they will get to heaven. 5. People associate busyness with being content. 6. People allow the busyness of life to neglect things of God. 7. People believe lies spoken through media outlets and deny the truth of God’s Word. 

There are consequences for the decisions we make concerning God, Things of God, and Salvation through Jesus Christ. One promises eternal heaven and the other promises eternal hell. No one knows how long they will be afforded the choice between God or what this world has to offer.  At any moment their life can end and their eternal destination is sealed. Oh we like to think what happens to others will not surely happen to me.  To delay or deny trusting Jesus Christ has an eternal consequence. 

When there is a delay to surrender, trust, relying on, and follow Jesus Christ for salvation the choice is made to accept the consequence of eternity in hell.  The thought, “I will not die today”, though not given much thought, surely drives the conclusion to stay the course on a path apart from Jesus Christ. When the Holy Spirit has softened a heart and the need for salvation is understood through the revealing Gospel of Jesus Christ, eternal choices are made. Believe, surrender, trust, obey, and follow or not.  There is no middle ground in salvation or, for that matter, living for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ. It seems as though these who deny or delay trusting and believing in Jesus Christ are living in a burning house about to collapse, but they choose to say it will not collapse today.  They may even know that staying in this burning house will ultimately lead to their death, but they continually tell themselves, “not today”.  The lure of this world blinds them to the danger so near to their eternal damnation and torment. Today is the day of salvation. Now is the time of salvation. Intentionally choose to leave the burning house of this life and run into the loving arms of Jesus Christ, our redeemer and savior.

Author: Daryl Pint

Saved by Grace, living by faith