Matthew 13:44-46 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Psalms 119:162 I rejoice at your word
Proverbs 16:16 How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.
Proverbs 8:10-11 Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.
Psalm 119:72 Your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver.
Vance Havner wrote, “Red-letter days and lofty experiences tend to fade. Resolutions, though penned in blood, soon lose their original drive. Spiritual stimulants, like shots in the arm, may serve a purpose, but living by shots in the arm, whether physically or spiritually, is abnormal. The trolley car does not run all day on one big push of power at the start. Its slender arm reaches up and keeps constant contact with the current.” It’s wonderful to hear a great sermon or remember a childhood memory verse. We can’t read John 3:16 too often. But we need daily, constant contact with the Lord Jesus through the continual intake of His Word. Discouraging thoughts are driven away as we read what God says to us in the Bible. The words of the Lord impart strength for every burden, insight for every decision, and a beam of sunshine for every dark day. (Dr. Jeremiah)
My tongue shall speak of thy word,…. Of the word of God in general; of the truth of it, which he knew by certain experience; of the purity of it, tending to promote holiness of heart and life; of the power and efficacy of it, enlightening his mind, and working effectually in him; of the profit of it, to his learning, to his instruction, comfort, and refreshment; of the preciousness of it, being of more worth than thousands of gold and silver; and of the pleasantness of it, being sweeter than the honey or honeycomb, and more to be esteemed than one’s necessary food; and of the promises of it in particular, of the worth and value of them, of their suitableness and use, and of the faithful fulfilment of them; and of the doctrines of the word, especially those which relate to the grace of God, and salvation by the Messiah; and also of the precepts of the word. (Gill)
When has God’s Word been in such esteem in your heart and thoughts that praise is the only thing possible to come out of your mouth? What priority does God’s Word have in your daily life? Where does it fit into the busyness of life? We chase after silver and gold trying to find a measure of satisfaction and comfort for our souls. We chase after physical fitness, health pills, clothes, homes, and cars, that we think will make us more presentable, likable, and worthy of acceptance. We spend time chasing and never catching what our aching souls are searching for. Our satisfaction is never met so we keep searching for that which will. It would be foolish for someone to think they could chase after and catch the wind. Yet this is the very thing we do when things of this world capture our desires.
God’s Word is not something to fill our minds one hour one day a week. Do you want to find purpose, meaning, and satisfaction? Make it your heart’s desire to know more and more about the Creator, Healer, Almighty, Merciful, Gracious, All-knowing God. In this desire, your heart will grow and mature in understanding and application of honoring and glorifying Jesus Christ in all that we say, think, and do. This can only be done when the things of this world are put into their proper place in our lives and that can only happen when Jesus Christ is put in His proper place in our lives.