47.s. “Wilderness” – 11.y. “Aaron Dies”


Num 20:22  And they journeyed from Kadesh, and the people of Israel, the whole congregation, came to Mount Hor. And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron at Mount Hor, on the border of the land of Edom, “Let Aaron be gathered to his people, for he shall not enter the land that I have given to the people of Israel, because you rebelled against my command at the waters of Meribah. Take Aaron and Eleazar his son and bring them up to Mount Hor. And strip Aaron of his garments and put them on Eleazar his son. And Aaron shall be gathered to his people and shall die there.”  Moses did as the LORD commanded. And they went up Mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation. And Moses stripped Aaron of his garments and put them on Eleazar his son. And Aaron died there on the top of the mountain. Then Moses and Eleazar came down from the mountain. And when all the congregation saw that Aaron had perished, all the house of Israel wept for Aaron thirty days.

God bids Aaron prepare to die. There is something of displeasure in these orders. Aaron must not enter Canaan, because he had failed in his duty at the waters of strife. There is much of mercy in them. Aaron, though he dies for his transgression, dies with ease, and in honour. He is gathered to his people, as one who dies in the arms of Divine grace. There is much significancy in these orders. Aaron must not enter Canaan, to show that the Levitical priesthood could make nothing perfect; that must be done by bringing in a better hope. Aaron submits, and dies in the method and manner appointed; and, for aught that appears, with as much cheerfulness as if he had been going to bed. It was a great satisfaction to Aaron to see his son, who was dear to him, preferred; and his office preserved and secured: especially, to see in this a figure of Christ’s everlasting priesthood. A good man would desire, if it were the will of God, not to outlive his usefulness. Why should we covet to continue any longer in this world, than while we may do some service in it for God and our generation? (Henry)

There is little record of what happened during these years. The history of the period is compressed into only five and one-half chapters, while the single year at Mount Sinai is given almost 50 chapters. This was to demonstrate these years accomplished nothing, except the death of the generation of unbelief.  During those 38 years, there was much movement – but no progress. Our walk with God can be the same way. “The larger part of the sojourn in the desert is left without record. This may be deliberate on Moses’ part. It is as though the time of sojourn was time that did not really count in the history of salvation.” 

The passing of Aaron was a significant landmark in the history of Israel. The high priest died, but the institution of the priesthood continued. It would continue through Aaron’s descendants until it was fulfilled in Jesus the Messiah (Guzik)

After many years perhaps – perhaps after a whole lifetime – of wandering in dry places they find themselves once more at the very point to which they had come before, and not one step closer.”  (Winterbotham)

It is one thing to be old and becoming aware of your time on earth is closer to death, and another to be told today you die. Imagine waking up in the morning and being told that you will pass your duties on to your son and then die. I think this was a blessing to Aaron in that he was able to know that the High Priest service was being passed onto His son and that he witnessed the transfer of honor. But still, hearing “today you will be gathered to your people”, die, has to be somewhat of a jolt. 

When we are young we have all kinds of ideas about our future and we live out our lives with these thoughts, though they may change as time passes on, but we do not think “today I will die”.  Even as we grow old we still make plans for today and tomorrow with little thought “today I will die”. No, very little, if any thoughts will be given to this being our last day. What if we gave this more than a glancing thought? What if we woke each morning with the thought this could be my last day? Would I think, act, or speak differently? Would I embrace coming into eternity? Would I rejoice knowing? Would I reflect on my life and wonder if I truly was giving honor and glory to Jesus Christ in all my thoughts, words, and actions? Would I be different for knowing today is the day? 

We do not know the time or day of our death normally. We do know that it is coming. We know that every single person will die. We know God has created both heaven and hell. We know eternity in either place awaits every single person. We know that the gate to heaven is narrow and wide is the road to hell. We know God will judge every single person. Are you ready to enter eternity? Many will say they are ready and have based their “readiness” on how good they are. Others will say all this God stuff is foolishness. Others will say with confidence, Jesus Christ is my redeemer, my hope, and my salvation.  In and through Him alone do I enter eternity into heaven. Trust, belief, reliance, and hope in anything else falls way short. 

How would your life change if you knew today or tomorrow or next week you would die? 

Author: Daryl Pint

Saved by Grace, living by faith