53.b. Wilderness – 17.h. “Give ear, O heavens”



Deu 32:1-3  “Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak, and let the earth hear the words of my mouth. May my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distill as the dew, like gentle rain upon the tender grass, and like showers upon the herb. For I will proclaim the name of the LORD; ascribe greatness to our God!

By appealing, in this solemn manner, to the heavens and the earth in the beginning of this song, Moses intended to signify, 1st, The truth and importance of its contents, which were such as deserved to be known by all the world: and, 2d, The stupidity of that perverse and unthinking people, who were less likely to hearken and obey than the heavens and the earth themselves. 3d, He hereby declares also the justice of the divine proceedings toward them, according to what he had said. Heaven and earth are here put for the inhabitants of both, angels and men: both will agree(Benson)

You lifeless and senseless creatures, heaven and earth, which he calls upon partly to accuse the stupidity of Israel, that were more dull of hearing than these; and partly as witnesses of the truth of his sayings, and the justice of God’s proceedings against them. (Brown)

These are called upon to hearken, either to rebuke the stupidity and inattention of men, or to show that these would shed or withhold their influences, their good things, according to the obedience or disobedience of Israel; or because these are durable and lasting, and so would ever be witnesses for God and against his people. (Gill)

 The Universe cannot silence, but must listen to, the spiritual truth. (Cambridge)

Give ear, listen, and pay attention! All of God’s Word is profitable for us. Blessings, warnings, curses, promises, precepts, prophecies, laws, holiness, and sinfulness are given to us so by them we will continue to grow and mature in our understanding and knowledge of God for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ.

Has any people group or nation stayed the course? Has any nation founded on biblical principles or through revival or restoration ever continued on this path of trust, faith, hope, reliance, and purpose? The answer to this is NO. Why do we fall away so easily? Why does those who give no thought to God influence how we think and live? The fault doe not lay upon these influencers, but it surely does on those who have tasted the blessings and guidance of God. Falling and drifting away from God will easily happen when the Word of God and the growth and maturing in it are neglected and deemed unimportant for everyday living. 

Author: Daryl Pint

Saved by Grace, living by faith