God chooses according to His divine wisdom, love, and goodness. We may not be able to understand God’s reasons for choosing, and they are reasons He alone knows and answers to, but God’s choices are not random or capricious.
Eternal life does not begin with death; it begins with faith.
The resurrection (Of Jesus Christ)…is not a doctrine to be pondered but an invitation to experience the living Christ in your life.
The evil one fires these temptations from a distance. They seem harmless at first – even alluring. “Satan attacks by indirection – through good things from which no evil is expected,” When good things like beauty, comfort, and morality enter our line of sight, we often embrace them in self-centered and satanically inspired ways. Then, beauty catches fire and becomes lust; comfort bursts into greed; and morality morphs into self-righteousness.
Satan hurls a seemingly endless volley of temptations at us: thoughts of pride, selfishness, fear, doubt, disappointment, greed, anger, vengeance, lust, and judgmentalism. They strike at different times and in different ways, but they all are deadly in their intent.
Our pieces of armor are to be worn night and day; we must walk, work and sleep in them
Satan hurls a seemingly endless volley of temptations at us: thoughts of pride, selfishness, fear, doubt, disappointment, greed, anger, vengeance, lust, and judgmentalism. They strike at different times and in different ways, but they all are deadly in their intent.
Jesus showed compassion when people expected rejection, gentleness when people expected anger, and love when people expected hate, be imitators of Christ.
If we’re honest, we have to admit that most of our anger isn’t righteous; it’s selfish
The branch of the vine does not worry, toil, and rush here and there to seek for sunshine and rain. No; it rests in union and communion with the vine.
Generally speaking, it’s our duty to get on our way according to what God has revealed and trust He will guide us. It’s hard to steer a parked car. Get on your way, and let God lead you.