32.r. “To open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God”


Matthew 12:22  Then a demon-oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him, and he healed him, so that the man spoke and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, “Can this be the Son of David?” But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.” Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?

 Mark 3:11    And whenever the unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, “You are the Son of God.”

 Acts 26:18   to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.’

 Matthew 9:34     But the Pharisees said, “He casts out demons by the prince of demons.”

 Mark 3:22   And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.”

 Luke 11:15    But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of demons,”

 The crowds reacted with Messianic expectation, but the religious leaders responded by attributing Jesus’ power to the prince of demons. Both have seen the same thing, the demon cast out and the person healed. How can it be seen so differently by those who witnessed it? Even at times, the unclean spirits cried out, “you are the Son of God”.  

We will normally see what our hearts and minds want to see. When we see everything in creation both on earth and in the universe we are in awe of God. Yet others, spend lifetimes building theories about how a big bang happened billions of years ago that somehow formed all things through time, chance, and evolution. Both of these beliefs must be taken on faith. When seeing Jesus heal this demon-possessed man many displayed their faith by saying can this be the one promised “The Son of David?”  In their faith, they were aware and looking for the Messiah to come. Others displayed their blindness and hardness of heart by shrugging off this healing by saying it was not in the power of God but by Satan. When we were lost and without hope and there was no searching and no desire for things of God, it is only by the grace of God we see and understand things of God. And yet, there are those to whom these revelations are rejected. To the lost soul, it is a time when clarity to the things of God is revealed much like the clouds being rolled back and the bright sun is seen. When we are searching and desiring to serve and honor and glorify Jesus more and more, things of God are shown more and more, the Son keeps getting brighter.

Become brighter

“Whoever does not love me does not keep my words”

“But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.”

John 3:9  Nicodemus said to him, “How can these things be?”  Jesus answered him, “Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand these things?  Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not receive our testimony. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?

Isaiah 50:2     Why, when I came, was there no man; why, when I called, was there no one to answer? Is my hand shortened, that it cannot redeem? Or have I no power to deliver?

Isaiah 42:16    And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.

Isaiah 65:2    I spread out my hands all the day to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, following their own devices;

Acts 28:27    “‘Go to this people, and say, “You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive.”  For this people’s heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed; lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.’

Scripture from God states many hearts are dull and eyes and ears shut to the word of God.  They can not perceive Him, or see His hand at work, or hear His whispers of guidance and leading.  I do not know what is worse; to have rejected Him and live apart from Him, or to have tasted the love of God and live a life apart from Him.  One says I don’t want to know You.  The other says I want to know You but only for the benefit of myself and  stay at arms length but be ready when I need you.  We must choose to humbly serve, honor, follow and obey.  This choice is between do we serve self or do we serve God.  If the choice is to serve God we have to ask what does a life look like that is being lived out with this choice.  Does it keep God at arms length or does it reach out seeking, pleading, wanting, willing, needing to have communion and leading with and from God each day?  If we want to stay close to God we must have hearts that are open willing, ears that are open and seeking whispers of God, and eyes that are open and wanting to see the hand of God working.  Stay in His word each day, live to honor and glorify Him, follow, serve, obey.