34.g. “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions”


Matthew 18:15  “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

 Leviticus 19:17   “You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him.

 Proverbs 25:9-10   Argue your case with your neighbor himself, and do not reveal another’s secret,  lest he who hears you bring shame upon you, and your ill repute have no end.

 1 Timothy 5:19    Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses.

 3 John 1:9-10     I have written something to the church, but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority.  So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, talking wicked nonsense against us. And not content with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers, and also stops those who want to and puts them out of the church.

 Romans 16:17-18    I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.  For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

It is essential that we go to the offending brother first – not griping and gossiping to others, especially under the guise of sharing a prayer request or seeking counsel. Instead, speak to the party directly.  It would be wrong for anyone to take Jesus’ word here as a command to confront your brother with every sin they commit against you. The Bible says we should bear with one another and be long-suffering towards each other. Yet clearly, there are some things that we cannot suffer long with and must address.  We can say that Jesus gives us two options when your brother sins against you. You can go to him directly and deal with it; or you can drop the matter under Christian long-suffering and bearing with one another. Other options – holding onto bitterness, retaliation, gossiping to others about the problem – are not allowed.

If go to the seemingly offending brother/sister and they listen, you have gained him in two ways. First, the problem has been cleared up. Perhaps you realized that he was right in some ways and he realized you were right in some ways, but the problem is resolved. Second, you have gained him because you have not wronged your brother by going to others with gossip and half the side of a dispute. 

I have seen and witnessed “Christian” people who go to their brother/sister with an issue and have discussions about an issue or disagreement. It is kept between them. There is no gossip, bitterness, retaliation, or behind-the-scenes whispering seeds of discord, division, and disunity. The matter is resolved. The two may not be in agreement but they have both listened and allow for unity and brotherly love to rule the day. Why? It honors and glorifies Jesus Christ.

I have also seen the results of “Christian” people who back-bite, gossip, whisper behind the scenes, cause division, and destroy unity within the church. They have allowed seeds of Satan to fill their heart and minds with ungodly righteousness. They do what is wrong and think it right. In their own pride, they allow thoughts about a person to gain root and grow in their minds. They do not follow Scripture and go speak to the person. No, they gossip to others and seek out others who will be swayed by their twisted thoughts. 

Could you imagine if God treated us like we treat others and never address an issue between Him and us, but rather He cast judgment and turned His face from us, leaving us unaware of what we have done wrong? What would you think if He gossiped of your sin to others and got them to turn away from, but never spoke to you about it? Why do some think it is right to do this very same thing to others? Why do we even listen to gossip from a brother or sister in Christ? Why do we not call it out for what it is? 

The more I live and the more I hear and the more I see, it is the lack of God’s Word applied in a person’s life that causes them to exalt themselves and gossip and degrade others.  They may have good biblical knowledge but understanding and wisdom and Holy Spirit application in their life it is not. They easily lead others into the sin of disunity.  In their self-righteousness, they speak boldly when, in fact, they should pray and seek Godly wisdom and direction and be quiet before the Lord. Whoever stirs up disunity and discord within a church is not following after God or honoring and glorifying Jesus Christ. 

I do know that if you hear gossip and you ask that person if they have directly spoken to the other person the answer is always no. They just don’t feel right about doing that but they feel right in causing disunity. These gossipers and causers of disunity will always find others who will listen and be easily swayed by their thoughts.  Their focus is not on honoring and glorifying Jesus Christ in all they think, say, and do. 

We do well to examine our own hearts and motives. We do well to seek Holy Spirit leading, wisdom, and understanding. We do well to seek Holy Spirit discernment. We do well to be quiet before God and allow Him to speak into our hearts and minds. Yes, we do well to be quiet and listen.

25.j. “Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear his voice,”


2 Corinthians 6:3  Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. We put no obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry, but as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities, beatings, imprisonments, riots, labors, sleepless nights, hunger; by purity, knowledge, patience, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love; by truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left; through honor and dishonor, through slander and praise. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything.

 Ezekiel 16:8    “When I passed by you again and saw you, behold, you were at the age for love, and I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness; I made my vow to you and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Lord GOD, and you became mine.

 Luke 19:42-44    saying, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side  and tear you down to the ground, you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation.”

 Hebrews 3:7     Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear his voice,

 Hebrews 3:13   But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

 Hebrews 4:7    again he appoints a certain day, “Today,” saying through David so long afterward, in the words already quoted, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”

  God has an acceptable time for us to work with His grace. God has a day of salvation that will not last forever. This is no time for Christian lives consumed with ease and comfort and self-focus. It is time to get busy for the Lord and to be workers together with Him.  What is it that keeps us from seeing, knowing, and doing the Work of God?  Is it trials? Is it ease and comfort? Are we deceived or influenced into believing He can’t or won’t use us?  Do we find excuse after excuse, time and time again?  I am not knowledgeable in the bible enough to be used by God.  I am too busy.  I am not good enough.  I am not brave enough.  I am not worthy enough.  The list is as long as the number of excuses we make that keeps us from making a commitment to listen and then obey.  Is the world influencing your ability to listen?  Does it steal time away from working for God? Does it deafen your ears to hear His leading and calls for action in your life?  

When we understand that our purpose in this life is to honor and glorify God in all we say, think, and do, it is then we will begin to understand His leading and calling and purpose and plans for our lives.  Today is the day.  Now is the moment. Right now.  Make an intentional choice to make God-honoring and God-glorifying the reason for all you say, think, and do.

20.d. “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy”

Romans 9:14   What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means! For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.

You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?”

Exodus 33:19  Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”

God’s mercy is not something we earn or deserve.  We have done nothing or can do nothing that would obligate God to give and show mercy toward us.  It is out of His love that He looks on His creation and offers mercy through Jesus Christ to all who would believe in Him.  It is out of His love that mercy is given to us so that through Jesus Christ those who humbly surrender, repent, trust, and obey are promised eternal life. 

Our sinful nature leads us to believe that this is how we were created, imperfect.  However, we were created perfectly.  In this perfection, we were created with free will.  We were created with free will to continually be in the presence of God in obedience.  We were created with free will to love and trust God.  However, Adam, in this free will chose to disobey God.  He willingly chose to disobey and our sinful nature was born into man forevermore.  His disobedience gave birth to sin and separation from God.  In our sinful nature, there is nothing that deserves mercy from God.  Adam was made perfect but chose to be imperfect through disobedience.  Since Adam, disobedience has continued to mature and manifest its self through self-worth, self-desire, self-reliance, self-gain, self-first, self-centered, self-honor, etc……….  We may ask “why have you made me like this?” When in fact mankind, through Adam, we willingly chose to be like this.  God is not to fault and we are without excuse. We are without any hope were it not for God’s mercy.  

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”  God’s mercy and love demonstrated.  This offer of restoration to God is because of His love and mercy toward His creation.  It can never be earned by any act we attempt to do to deserve it.  Jesus Christ was God’s mercy gift of Love.  Adam was given free will and chose to disobey, and now God has sent His Son to redeem man by giving us the means to be made right with Him.  Each person is given free will to choose to believe in this mercy gift through Jesus Christ, humbly surrendering, repenting, obeying, trusting, and believing in Him alone, not anything of self.  Just as Adam had free will and chose to disobey, we have free will to either believe, trust, honor, surrender, repent, and obey, or disobey.  God’s gift of mercy is nothing to take passing notice of, give lip service towards, become complacent towards, or neglect.  Eternity in heaven or eternity in hell awaits us all and we have been given free will to choose.

14.g. “For we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter”

Malachi 3:13  “Your words have been hard against me, says the Lord. But you say, ‘How have we spoken against you?’ You have said, It is vain to serve God. What is the profit of our keeping his charge or of walking as in mourning before the Lord of hosts? And now we call the arrogant blessed. Evildoers not only prosper but they put God to the test and they escape.’”

Exodus 5:2    But Pharaoh said, “Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, and moreover, I will not let Israel go.”

Isaiah 28:14-15    Therefore hear the word of the LORD, you scoffers, who rule this people in Jerusalem!  Because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol we have an agreement, when the overwhelming whip passes through it will not come to us, for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter”;

Psalms 73:8-13    They scoff and speak with malice; loftily they threaten oppression.  They set their mouths against the heavens, and their tongue struts through the earth.  Therefore his people turn back to them, and find no fault in them.  And they say, “How can God know? Is there knowledge in the Most High?”  Behold, these are the wicked; always at ease, they increase in riches.

Zephaniah 1:12     At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the men who are complacent, those who say in their hearts, ‘The LORD will not do good, nor will he do ill.’

Psalms 10:3   For the wicked boasts of the desires of his soul, and the one greedy for gain curses and renounces the LORD.

Psalms 73:12     Behold, these are the wicked; always at ease, they increase in riches.

When our eyes to our hearts see things of this world that are pleasing they need to be viewed through the lens of God’s Word. It is easy to get lost and off-path with our lives when this lens is set aside.  This lens of God’s Word keeps us revived and renewed in our walk with Him.  The prince of this world would love to blind us with the glory and riches of this world.  Sad to say but many are easily distracted and set aside God’s Word for the shiny things of this world.  The void that is created is filled with things that seem right but are just right in the eyes of the prince of this world and those who are led astray.  The void is filled with deception, false hope, and lies of promised satisfaction apart from Jesus Christ.  This void leaves the heart empty and seeking more but never finding it.  This void makes promises of joy, peace, rest, prosperity, and hope but never fulfills any lasting satisfaction.  This void gives the heart a false sense of purpose.

A good gage of your heart can be and is revealed in and through God’s word.  Through His Word we find purpose and meaning, temporal and eternal, wrath and love, anger and mercy, helplessness and courage, weakness and strength, worldly and Godly, sin and righteousness, deception and truth, evil and holy, judgment and forgiveness, lost and found, death and life, defiance and obedience, demons and angels, Satan and Jesus Christ, immorality and morality, dishonor and honor, criticism and praise, false and truth, despising and worshiping, pride and humility, greed and giving, vanity and worthy, hate and kindness, neglect and service, rejection and acceptance, etc……  When we spend time in God’s Word our lens through which we see our lives this side of eternity will make things of this world grow dim and things of Jesus Christ grow bright.  There are no shortcuts or lukewarm complacent paths to the understanding and application of God’s Word in our lives.  Spend time in His Word, seek it with a desire to know Him, and ask that your eyes to this world be opened to see all of its lies and deceptions.

Almost Stumbled

“but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members.  Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?”

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Psalms 73:1   Truly God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped.  For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.  For they have no pangs until death; their bodies are fat and sleek.  They are not in trouble as others are; they are not stricken like the rest of mankind.  Therefore pride is their necklace; violence covers them as a garment.  Their eyes swell out through fatness; their hearts overflow with follies.  They scoff and speak with malice; loftily they threaten oppression.  They set their mouths against the heavens, and their tongue struts through the earth.  Therefore his people turn back to them, and find no fault in them. And they say, “How can God know? Is there knowledge in the Most High?” Behold, these are the wicked; always at ease, they increase in riches. All in vain have I kept my heart clean and washed my hands in innocence. For all the day long I have been stricken and rebuked every morning.  If I had said, “I will speak thus,” I would have betrayed the generation of your children.  But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end.

Jeremiah 12:1  Righteous are you, O LORD, when I complain to you; yet I would plead my case before you. Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all who are treacherous thrive?

Psalms 37:1   Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers

Proverbs 3:31    Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways,

Proverbs 24:1     Be not envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them,

Hosea 7:2     But they do not consider that I remember all their evil. Now their deeds surround them; they are before my face.

Zephaniah 1:12   At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the men who are complacent, those who say in their hearts, ‘The LORD will not do good, nor will he do ill.

I copied this from a commentary on this chapter of 73 Psalms.  “We have in these verses a good man’s temptation. In every age God’s people have asked whether God can possibly know all that is taking place on the earth, and if He does know, why He allows evil to prosper. The dark spirit who is ever at our elbow whispers that we should have done as well, and better”  It surely rings true if not for the questions of “does He know” and “why does He allow” surely for listening to the whispers of Satan into our ears and becoming envious.  We must recognize these whispers and fight them with the word of truth.  Paul in his letters once wrote “I have learned to be content in having little and having much.”  We do well to be content knowing and humbly serving God.  We have so many distractions pulling at our heart and soul it is only those who desire and commit to humbly serve, honor, follow and obey who will find true peace and rest this side of eternity.

God’s Sovereignty

So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy

Joshua 11:20
For it was the Lord’s doing to harden their hearts that they should come against Israel in battle, in order that they should be devoted to destruction and should receive no mercy but be destroyed, just as the Lord  commanded Moses.

Exodus 4:21
And the Lord said to Moses, “When you go back to Egypt, see that you do before Pharaoh all the miracles that I have put in your power. But I will harden his heart, so that he will not let the people go.

Deuteronomy 2:30
But Sihon the king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for the Lord your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might give him into your hand, as he is this day

Romans 9:15
What shall we say then? Is there injustice on God’s part? By no means! For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy. For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” So then he has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.
You will say to me then, “Why does he still find fault? For who can resist his will?” But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for dishonorable use? What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles? As indeed he says in Hosea,
“Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’
and her who was not beloved I will call ‘beloved. ’”
“And in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’
there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.


When Joshua went through the land, obeying God, and destroying all that was living it says that God had hardened the hearts of these people in order that they would be devoted to destruction.  I don’t know about you but when I think about how we are living in a time of grace and mercy we often forget about God’s sovereignty, purpose, and plan that in the past included hardening entire nation’s hearts.  I read this and wonder what it must would like to have your heart hardened by God and meant for the single purpose of destruction.  I have the human thought of “is this fair”???  We can not put our thoughts above God’s.  Scripture says our thoughts are not God’s thoughts.  I am also so thankful for Romans where Paul addressed this issue of fairness.  Man says: “why does He find fault”?,  “Who can resist His will”? Why have you made me like this”?  Paul continues with who is man that he should question God.  The creator can do what He pleases for the purpose He determines without needing our approval or understanding.  All I can say is that I am so thankful God softened my heart to hear His calling for the need of redemption, forgiveness, and salvation.  Do not neglect His salvation plan and purpose for your life.