Is it Wasted on Us

Prophets and Kings longed for and looked forward to the time when the Messiah would come dwell with mankind.  In addition to Jesus’s coming, death, and resurrection the Holy Spirit was sent to teach and lead us in righteousness.  Do we realize just how great of a time in history that we live?  Do we know how much more accountable we are for having more knowledge and not acknowledging it fully?  Everyday we close our ears to hear what  God’s purpose is for our life – we become dull in our hearing and understanding of His will.  Long for Him, desire Him, and choose to live with only His purpose for your life.

Matthew 13:16
But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it

John 8:56
Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad

Hebrews 11:13
These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth

1 Peter 1:12
It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look