112. Worthless and good for nothing

1 Samuel 25:1  Then David rose and went down to the wilderness of Paran. And there was a man in Maon whose business was in Carmel. The man was very rich; he had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats. He was shearing his sheep in Carmel. Now the name of the man was Nabal, and the name of his wife Abigail. The woman was discerning and beautiful, but the man was harsh and badly behaved; he was a Calebite. David heard in the wilderness that Nabal was shearing his sheep. So David sent ten young men. And David said to the young men, “Go up to Carmel, and go to Nabal and greet him in my name. And thus you shall greet him: Peace be to you, and peace be to your house, and peace be to all that you have. I hear that you have shearers. Now your shepherds have been with us, and we did them no harm, and they missed nothing all the time they were in Carmel. Ask your young men, and they will tell you. Therefore let my young men find favor in your eyes, for we come on a feast day. Please give whatever you have at hand to your servants and to your son David.’”When David’s young men came, they said all this to Nabal in the name of David, and then they waited. And Nabal answered David’s servants, “Who is David? Who is the son of Jesse? There are many servants these days who are breaking away from their masters. Shall I take my bread and my water and my meat that I have killed for my shearers and give it to men who come from I do not know where?” So David’s young men turned away and came back and told him all this. And David said to his men, “Every man strap on his sword!” And every man of them strapped on his sword. David also strapped on his sword. And about four hundred men went up after David, while two hundred remained with the baggage.But one of the young men told Abigail, Nabal’s wife, “Behold, David sent messengers out of the wilderness to greet our master, and he railed at them. Yet the men were very good to us, and we suffered no harm, and we did not miss anything when we were in the fields, as long as we went with them. They were a wall to us both by night and by day, all the while we were with them keeping the sheep. Now therefore know this and consider what you should do, for harm is determined against our master and against all his house, and he is such a worthless man that one cannot speak to him.”

Deuteronomy 13:13    that certain worthless fellows have gone out among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city,

  Judges 19:22    As they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, worthless fellows, surrounded the house

2 Samuel 23:6-7     But worthless men are all like thorns that are thrown away, for they cannot be taken with the hand;  but the man who touches them arms himself with iron and the shaft of a spear, and they are utterly consumed with fire.”

1 Kings 21:13    And the two worthless men came in and sat opposite him. And the worthless men brought a charge against Naboth in the presence of the people,

1 Samuel 2:12     Now the sons of Eli were worthless men. They did not know the LORD.

Steven R Cook – In several places in the Bible there are references to worthless persons.  The term worthless translates the Hebrew בְּלִיָּעַלbelial, which occurs 27 times in Scripture. The word means “Uselessness, wickedness…good for nothing.” These are people whom God designates as worthless because they continually resist His will and disrupt the activities of His people.  Worthless people revels in the natural inclinations of his own depravity and in his activities spread strife among men.   Scripture describes the worthless person as one who “digs up evil”, “makes a mockery of justice”, and “plots evil against the LORD”. He leads others away from the God, is given to lewd behavior, hides from justice, is unreasonable, defies authority, is willing to lie against the innocent and promote injustice, and seeks to overpower the timid.  They can attach themselves to a godly leader and cause trouble.   It is a mistake to see the worthless person within the narrow context of criminals or public mischief-makers, although it certainly includes them. Rather, we must see them as permeating all aspects of society. Broadly speaking, worthless persons are males and females, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, educators and students, politicians and citizens, bosses and employees, religious and irreligious, wealthy and poor, and they live to provoke rebellion and discord.

Josh Christophersen – Men use all kinds of standards to determine their worth, but the word of God determines a man’s worth by whether or not he “knows the Lord”. It doesn’t matter how smart or educated you are, how strong or athletic you are, how wealthy or business savvy you are.

It would seem this is a path in life that is easy to follow or be influenced toofollow.  It is the path of self, self importance, self righteous, self centered, self worth, self made…. There are people on this path because they chose to deny God and there are people on this path because they are neglecting God’s word and are being influenced by the world, culture, society of complacent mediocrity.