18.f. “hough the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to destruction forever;”

Psalms 92:7    that though the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to destruction forever;

Psalms 37:38    But transgressors shall be altogether destroyed; the future of the wicked shall be cut off.

Psalms 103:15-16    As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field;  for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.

Psalms 92:12  The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the LORD is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

Isaiah 61:3    to grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified.

“Sometimes we go through seasons of darkness, when our circumstances are not sunny and our spirits aren’t as bright as usual. But God works in our hearts during such times, and He can use these periods to increase our sturdiness and fruitfulness.

He also makes the sun arise right on time, replacing fear with joy and sadness with gladness. With Him near, we never need to fear the dark. It’s sometimes where negatives develop into pictures of grace.” (David Jeremiah)

With eyes of scripture opened to our heart by and through the leading of the Holy Spirit we can see evil.  We are able to see the lies that are proclaimed by those who are influenced by and through Satan’s persuasion.  We can see acts of this evil being proclaimed as good or justified by the many who agree.  There are so many things that come to mind when I think about Satan’s influence and persuasion.

Fear of the unknown when God’s Word says to cast out all fear.  He is in control, always has been and always will be.

Anger and hate against people who don’t agree with what is being done or said or allowed.  God’s Word tells us “if possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with all men.”  “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” “You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him.”  Let our eyes be on Jesus Christ and let the hatred of the evil we see be allowed to be carried in His hands. “There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.”  Hate and anger against evil are common but when it is allowed to take root in our heart rather than given over to Jesus Christ bad things happen.  Jesus is not glorified or honored this way.

Lies that are accepted as right and just.  Abortion, pornography, LGBTQ, etc… are culturally accepted but absolutely wrong in the eyes of God.  For certain we will see more and more of this type of life-style should the Lord Jesus tarry in His return. 

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

“And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. 25 Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 

5.q. “Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.”

Job 14:1  “Man who is born of a woman is few of days and full of trouble. He comes out like a flower and withers; he flees like a shadow and continues not. And do you open your eyes on such a one and bring me into judgment with you? Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? There is not one. Since his days are determined, and the number of his months is with you, and you have appointed his limits that he cannot pass, look away from him and leave him alone, that he may enjoy, like a hired hand, his day.

Psalms 103:15-16     As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field;  for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.

James 4:14    yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.

1 Peter 1:24    for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls,

Psalms 144:4    Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.

Human life, though intense and beautiful in many ways, comes and goes in a season. Even the most productive, most privileged, most adventurous of mortal lives begin to fade just as they get underway.  This is understood and grieved by people of every culture, every generation, and every belief system. Human life is achingly temporary.  Scripture continually reminds us that God has provided (by grace and through faith in Christ) a true home and a secure future on the other side of this temporary life. In Him, we have hope of a future without end.  We must mentally engage in setting all of our hope in God’s future grace for us. We must choose to act as those who are God’s own people, rejecting the evil desires that drove our actions before we knew better. Our choices matter. Our God placed a high value on our lives, paying for them with the blood of Christ. Since God has made us able, we must now strive to earnestly live with our heart, mind, and soul focused on eternity and not the temporary things this world has to offer.

If you have ever raised children you are very aware of their lack of understanding time.  10 minutes or 10 years are the same because they have no point of reference or understanding of time.  Likewise, we as adults, have little to no point of reference or understanding of our length of days this side of eternity and eternity future.  Scripture gives us a glimpse of a reference when it says “ Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow”.

We do well to live out our faith in Christ with hope in eternity future and less hope on what this world has to offer.