53.i. Wilderness – 17.o. “So the anger of the LORD was kindled”



Deu 32:30  How could one have chased a thousand, and two have put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had given them up?

 Leviticus 26:8     Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand, and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.

 Joshua 23:10    One man of you puts to flight a thousand, since it is the LORD your God who fights for you, just as he promised you.

 1 Samuel 14:15-17     And there was a panic in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. The garrison and even the raiders trembled, the earth quaked, and it became a very great panic.

 2 Chronicles 24:24   Though the army of the Syrians had come with few men, the LORD delivered into their hand a very great army, because Judah had forsaken the LORD, the God of their fathers. Thus they executed judgment on Joash.

 Isaiah 30:17    A thousand shall flee at the threat of one; at the threat of five you shall flee, till you are left like a flagstaff on the top of a mountain, like a signal on a hill.

 Judges 2:14    So the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he gave them over to plunderers

How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight,…. This is said for the conviction of the Pagan Romans of their folly in behaving strangely, attributing to their gods what belonged to the true God; for since the Jews were more numerous than they, both in Judea, in the times of Titus Vespasian, when the country was subdued by him; and in other parts of the world, in the times of Adrian, when the Jews rose up in vast numbers, greatly superior to the Romans, and yet were conquered; which, allowing the phrase to be hyperbolical, was like one to a thousand, and two to ten thousand: now since this was what was promised to the Jews in case of obedience, that they should in this manner chase their enemies, Leviticus 26:8; it cannot be accounted for that they should in like manner be chased by their enemies, as threatened Isaiah 30:17, except their rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up; that is, unless the Lord, who was their rock and fortress, and in whom they should have trusted as such, had forsaken them, and given them up into their enemies’ hands. (Gill)

One chase a thousand…two put ten thousand to flight: This was the opposite of the blessing God promised to an obedient Israel (Leviticus 26:8). God would not fight for a disobedient Israel. When Israel was unfaithful to their covenant with Yahweh, He would give them to their enemies, who would bring bitter defeat to Israel. (Guzik)

It is a sad event to become blind and deaf to the things of God and become disobedient to Him thereby falling under His curse rather than His blessings. Neglect and complacency of His Word produce fruit that is filled with bitterness, poison, and venom in our souls. What if God was withholding His anger and fury right now? Would knowing it is justly deserved prompt us to hunger and thirst for His Word to become obedient followers, trusting and relying on Him?