Haggai 1:5-7. Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways! “You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes.” Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways!
Reflect seriously upon this affair, whether it is consistent with the reason of things, or whether you have even promoted your own happiness by it as you thought to do. For as you have neglected him, so hath he withdrawn his blessing from you; the consequence of which has been, that nothing has prospered with you. (Benson)
Many good works have been intended, but not done, because men supposed the proper time was not come. Thus believers let slip opportunities of usefulness, and sinners delay the concerns of their souls, till too late. (Henry)
Consider your ways; their sinful ways, and repent of them, and forsake them, particularly their ingratitude before observed; and their civil ways, their common ways of life; their labour, work, and business, they were continually employed in; and observe the event of them; what success they had, what these issued in; whether there were not some visible tokens of the divine displeasure on them, which rendered all their attempts to support and enrich themselves and families vain, and of no effect (Gill)
Haggai described a double curse. Instead of much, little was reaped; and the little that was brought home melted away without doing any good (earns wages to put into a bag with holes). “I do not know of any passage in the Bible that better describes the feverish yet ineffective activity of our own age.” (Boice)
If our priorities are wrong, nothing will satisfy us. Each accomplishment soon reveals that there must be something more, something that can really satisfy. Nothing fills the God-shaped void in our lives except putting Him first. (Guzik)
Neglecting God’s Word and giving little to no thought to things of God will certainly leave a void where the heart and soul and mind are constantly looking for that which will satisfy. The problem is there is no thought given to the condition of their commitment to things of God. It is so easy in our time, where things of God are but a passing thought if at all. Do you want joy, peace, and rest in your minds? Do you want to find purpose and satisfaction for your souls? Make proper note of this: Things of this world and the ways of this world will never bring about a filling of the void in your hearts, minds, and souls. Every day that begins and ends without a thought of bringing honor and glory to Jesus Christ in all thoughts, words, and actions is a day that the things of this world you have chosen to follow after are more important.