The Wicked Prowl


“I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me.”

Psalms 12:8
On every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the children of man.

Proverbs 29:12
If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked.

Hosea 5:11
Ephraim is oppressed, crushed in judgment, because he was determined to go after filth.

Job 30:8
A senseless, a nameless brood, they have been whipped out of the land.

Psalms 101:5
Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy. Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I will not endure  I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me.  No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.

Proverbs 29:12
If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked.

On every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the children of man. This should not be a shock to us that the world is in such a state.  People tell lies, seek filth, listen to lies, practice deceit, and have arrogant hearts.  When I read these verses I am encouraged to pray for leadership of our country.  It is not uncommon for them to be in the company of people listed above and my prayer is for them to have discernment in clearly knowing the intent of those who surround them each day.  That they are able to hear God’s leading and willing to obey.  That their ears are closed to falsehood and they are able to with stand attacks from those in opposition. God open their eyes, ears, and heart to see you and fill them with desire to know and serve you.